
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by *Adelynn (01), Jun 3, 2011.

  1. Dev I thought you went dodo 
  2. This is long 
  3.  why yes my dear Lover. 

  4.  god I keep forgetting that English people don't know that word..
    What i meant to was I thought you went to sleep
  5. Oh no I didn't
  6. I see that  ohh PimD, so addictive, eh?
  7. Idk. . . I haven't tried to quit yet
  8. Chocolate sticks are awesome...

    Sorry, what? 
  9. They are.

    What what?
  10. 

    What what what? 
  11. What what what what?
  12. What what what what what???! 
  13. [​IMG] what what what what what?
  14. Bill Kaulitz is what's what

  15. *fangirl squeal* Yaahh~~~ 

    Tokio Hotel singer, we discussed him before on this thread... 
  16. Sorry but it's been a long time since I listened to them...
  17. I remember now though
  18. Did they make any new albums or are they still gone?