
Discussion in 'Best Of' started by *Adelynn (01), Jun 3, 2011.

  1. So I woke up at around 6 in the morning. Idk why i just did. And I had my hand under my pillow...wrapped around my iPod. WTF?
  2. 
  3. Lol I either said it's like a raggedy Ann doll or I slept walked.... But ghosts sounds good too.
  4. 
  5. Sleep walking works. You're too addicted to this game
  6.  I refuse to go with sleepwalking. What happens when I cant find my iPod when I sleep? I might go outside.
  7. 
  8. That could be it
  9. You'll end up outside
  10.  so many faces....

    But I don't want it to be it. So I'm going with raggedy Ann theory
  11. 
  12. You sleep walk you can't deny it
  13. Uh huh. I don't have it on film so it's not proved
  14. You cant deny it
  15. Ima fucking rider you don't want to bang with me
  16. But you can't prove it. So no one is right.
  17.  again?