NvS War: BoS8 but saltier (Signup Thread)

Discussion in 'Wars' started by Kefo, Sep 18, 2018.

  1. Well done Dex
  2. 23.5 mcs
    Whichever team nugget is on bc he wont tell me which one ?
  3. No chill 26 mcs
  4. Wondering why the the underscored "temporary cf" wouldn't open a link to explain what that means. Maybe you could pay my fine for the cat fairy club that seldom hits. Thank yous
  5. It means that you talk to them and ask for a weekend off of sfw.
    What fine? ?
  6. Paying a fine=cf..

    Btw.. which side is which if this battle of the sexes[bos]?
  7. 19.30 Legend_Ratatouille _Hustler and if my rs join I like to be with her don't wanna go without her ty
  8. Idk 32mcs?? No chill tbh lmao
  9. -Kram- 37mcs ~ no chill
  10. Team no chill 15mcs
  11. I’ll join No Chill 
  12. -CnC_YourMomsNeck- No chill. ( Forum banned )
  13. 16mcs
    I gotchu :)
  14. 30mcs so chill
  15. Beryl 25mcs no chill
  16. 18.7mcs
    So Chill ️