November Spinner Items - Trippy the Squirrel

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Nov 2, 2016.

  1. I haven't gotten ANY ads in hours to get my free coins. What's going on? Yes I'll email support 
  2. Have you tried emailing support?
  3. I'm shy tho
  4. High.. High.. I'm so high... Up in the sky~
  5. Conspiracy Theory! ATA APPROVES SHROOMS?
  6. ^ yo chill bruh. Want shrooms?
  7. What's with the cheap stats tho? 500 to 300! Gesh! Come on ATA, raise the stats back up!
  8. If you ATA are going to make us collect 10-20 items for the spinner sets many friends and I feel the more items used, or needed for a set the higher the complete value should. I.E. 10 items 200,000 intelegence 200,000 strength. 20 items 300,000 intelegence 300,000 strength.
  9.  I wish I had saved all my spins.
  10. Violet milky toad is freakinglily cute
  11. Much easier to get comparatively to last month ? this is good.
  12. This month's spinner is lit af
  13. They're humans too LMFAO, Most likely one of the apps have done drugs before :p
  14. Weed is also a drug, so tons of people on pimd most likely have done it before
  15. Wow there's a chance I might complete this ?