November Spinner Items - Trippy the Squirrel

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Nov 2, 2016.

  1. Crying
  2. we need five of each again, and yet the stats for the completed item is 100k/100k lower than normal ?
  3. What stupid spinner items you guys have ran out of ideas.
  4. Heyy bro want some mushrooms hehehe trippy the squirrel hue hue hue ??
  5. When are we going to have something to do with "good" drugs? Maybe you can class it up some and do something centered around cocaine?
  6. Screw cocaine I want some black tar heroine, maybe some pcp or bath salts. the best of the best.
  7. It's shrooms come down off your high horse you rode in on.
  8. Hehehe I c wat u did thar
  9. Awesome️
  10. Cutee 
  11. Such a waste. We get higher stats from the 5 of each alone than we do from them combining into the squirrel.
  12. actually, the uncombined items would be 125k/125k
  13. Hallucinations Squirrel
  14. That squirrel looks high af
  15. Drugs are bad mmkay
  16. The description on the set is priceless