November Spinner Items - Trippy the Squirrel

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by [ATA]Grant, Nov 2, 2016.

  1. "only need to collect 5"
  2. I wanted a damn hunt
  3. Thank you spinner, got 3 out of 11 spins
  4. Adorable!!!
  6. The stats under the item are wrong. My rs got a few and they're 10,000/10,000
  7. Well then ata
  8. The yellow & blue top mushroom is a bit weird?
  9. 2 days late we demand compensation
  10. Ata fix this!! 200kcs transforms into 1 150kcs item!!!
  11. It's 300kcs
  12. Oh! Now PIMD is making publicity for psychedelic drugs...interesting, never knew advertising drugs was one of the features in this app, I must be honest and say I wasn't expecting this when I downloaded it.
  13. Exactly
  14. Congratulations to the mentally constipated ape that conjured the idea to marginalize the use of illicit drugs 
  15. The stats we're 10,000/10,000 but you changed it to 5,000/5,000 ugh 
  16. These comments 
  17. That's what college kids in parties do alongside with drinking partying and getting wasted.
  18. This is more spring style...
  19. Lmfao....awesome