November Avatars

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by ATAMarceline, Nov 1, 2017.

  1. It just seems that lately you've had two main artists for avis. One who does the detail in the hair and body (these avis)yet seems to have trouble with the width of the eyes. I am sorry but the Swans eyes are way too large for her face. No ones eyes look like that. And if someone would like to prove me wrong then I will admit it but until then I suggest you swap ideas with the other designer who seems to lack details in the hair and body and yet has the facial features proportionate.
    You have the right ideas and people are raving about them but the body, faces and hair needs to be more detailed and proportionate.
  2. Why is there no ThanksGiving Avatars
  3. It's called spinner avis for a reason sweethearts. Quit begging and start spinning
  4. I’m sure there will be Thanksgiving hunts that give Thanksgiving avatars .. when it gets closer to Thanksgiving.

  6. Put both the spinner avis in store!!
  7. millie is CHILD please Do Not
  9. They're so beautiful ;-;
  10. Crimson charm dude plsss ?
  12. ATA, I have also designs some Avatars. I also send that in help section to u from my main @DEE-INDIAN_PRIDE. And the link for that AVAs is
    All are preffered to Indian dresses. Let me know if you'll like anyone of them n use here 
  13. Did you attempt to use the word "Thanksgiving" as many times as you could in one sentence?
  14. suits u well then 
  16. Ironic gif to ironic insult.