not right 

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by PhiaD-D-Doll, Nov 5, 2011.

  1. ... I am asking for the rules to be explained.
  2. Cookie, why don't you explain the rules to other moderators?
    Rose should've silenced Chloe, or you shouldn't have silenced me.
    Either she didn't do her job, or you did yours wrong.
    And I have emailed support already.
  3. Silenced Unfairly?

    If you feel you have been silenced unfairly, email

    Tell them the following:
    • Why you think you were silenced unfairly.
    • ATA game
    • User name
  4. Echo, you're the dumbest person I have ever seen on forums.
  5. That was uncalled for :|
  6. It was completely called for.
  7. Not really :|

    Not when I was helping you.
  8. Hmm... And cookie signed off. Explaination my ass. 
  9. 

    Look right before your idiotic post.

    Trust me, I've been here long enough to know what to do when silenced.
    Thanks for the laughs, echo 
  10. Michelle, because of my Bad ass post about him and rose 
  11. It doesn't give you a right to be an ass
  12. I'm not being an ass, you're just being stupid
  13. If you can't tell, I'm hoping if I annoy you enough you'll get the fuck off my thread.
  14. Once again, I was helping you.

    I was late anyway :|
  15. I don't need help xD
    I've been here longer than you, echo xD

    Wait- I started yesterday... 
  16. Huh? 

    Why are people talming about silencing me? Did I bypass?
  17. No, apparently any profanity is silenceable now, apparently.

  18. Oh. You mean me using the word shit plus 'ty'? It's a word. Not my fault it wasn't filtered.

    So... Techinaclly wasn't a bypass.

    But if you were talking about me using my main account, that got perma silenced.

  19. Yeah, according to cookie you can get silenced for saying shit and adding "ty" will get you silenced now.
    So I'd read up on all the words that aren't filtered, and never use them. 