Noobs in war

Discussion in 'Wars' started by ---V_F4NT4STIC---, Aug 30, 2013.

  1. Noobs. Can we make peace. If u touch me my pupil will farm u. I dont want to war. Am a lover not a fighter. Am being attack help me
  2. Haha it's not too bad....,

    My first war I was hitting the people in my own club oops :lol:
  3. 
  4. 'Ahh they're farming me! please help me'
    Or - In the middle of business
    'Can someone volley me'
  5.  did you volley him/her?
  6. "Come on Guys we are winning by 100b"
  7. Join a side and other is looking at you with disbelief?because you have too many friends.

    Happens to me a lot JUST LET ME HIT YOU!!!!!! you'll live ?
  8. i have a new one to share, can read my wall if you want details.

    Oppo:Not afraid to be milked, i can hit frm pin all the war
    6hrs later.. Me: why you asked to be kicked?
    Oppo: cos they say we can leave if we not gonna be on and i have work

  9. ?Oppo blaming their club mate is a spy, but think over about it. How do you win and controll hits in a war if everyone is on different device 
  10. 
  11. one i had...were pinning whole other side..i hit the 6th in plunder. He walls me saying please stop im not accepting hits right now!?!?!?! Hahaha
  12.  some people are so clueless
  13. A lot of noobs only join to try and get hires/strips etc. they see big players and think its a way to get in with them lol.
  14. Wut it's true 
  15. V does that. .p
  16.  no I don't  It's weird that this is still going ?
  17. Ethan stalks big players and offers them cookies.
  18. ?signs up for matched roster, but is in sfw?
