No Ragrets

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TheSagittarian, Jan 15, 2018.

  1. do i earn a badge ?
  2. Fail arrows Pumpkin
  3. so much love on the air
  4. *in

  5. fat finger problems
  6. Well at least vice mentioned me @bye
  7. kitten should be mentioned , i dont like her but enjoy many of her comments
  8. Idk them. @newphonewhodis
  9. Agreed
  10. thank you james , you seem chill these days
  11. Excuse me why am I not mentioned. RUDE I AM THE KWEEN
  12. True she been mia a bit tho.
  13. You're a nub tbh
  14. No support
  15. Oyeeee where is me name ? ?
  16. O wow. For once i’m mentioned on a thread and its not just someone talking shit. thanks op.
  17. Wow my name is small sized
  18. Umm no support due to a lack of me :(