New Years' War Sign up thread! n_n

Discussion in 'Wars' started by KriLeonhart, Dec 11, 2013.

  1. Bump for anyone else who wants to sign up. Deadline is coming up.
  2. 700Kcs not sure what side but doesnt matter either
  3. Laffins side 
  4. Im roughly 26kcs, can I still join?
  5. I'm allowing anyone with war knowledge to join. :)
  6. Poop side 460 kcs if didn't sign up before ?
  7. lol ill see if im 50kcs bye that time
  8. 658kcs anyside 
  9. When is the deadline? Can still sign up?
  10. signed up! 185kcs! need reminder! any side!
  11. SnapCracklePopMyKristiTreat
    Upgraded: 223kcs
    Laffin's side
  12. 180kcs sign me up!!
  13. iPokeMyGoddessKellyWithMyPanos
    211,000 combined stats, roughly
    Laffin's side
    Need Reminder Please
  14. Weapons side 90 kcs Need reminder please
  15. Idk if i am to late but 800+kcs either side need reminded
  16. If it's not too late:
  17. Either
    If its not to late
  18. any hope im not too late