New War System - Round 2!!

Discussion in 'Past Events' started by pimd_admin, Aug 29, 2013.

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  1. If not you must up date your pimd
  2. Awesome! I MUST USE POTS!
  3. NNNNNOOOOOO!!! I can't join. I'm asleep! Cause my time zone is UTC and is arround 1am when the war starts.... well, so much for the money.
  4. what the heck.... I'll just use defense pots. And I'm very sorry if I'm spamming
  5. ?Basically..... You all have 3 hours left to sign up 
  6. These are the time zones I know
    EST=GMT time minus 4 hours
    PST=GMT time minus 7 hours
  7. Plz next time keep a different time slot
    This time i cant participate cuz of d time
    Soo plz next time dont keep d same time
  8. Last tine u guys had kept at d same time
  9. Is it always gonna be like this where we are matched against similar stat players it will be boring
  10. War timer on main screen and profile screen does not match up
  11. The one on your profile started as soon as sign ups ended, the one on club started once clubs were balance, this is why there is a time gap, ignore the one on your profile.
  12. 1st round is over and it was real fun.Excited for 2nd round.
  13. great feature. the time attack war really gives me excitement. matching up roster doesnt take too long. great job. aside from first club disbanded, but were put back to a club a few seconds after. totally awesome auto generation of matched rosters. 4 n 1/2 stars
  14. I thought we were getting "double items" to "be fair to those who couldn't compete last time." Well, I didn't get double items. :-(
  15. Just remember, the second set of items will be manually given out a few hours after the war tomorrow.
  16. I had a great time at this war. I liked the auto match feature, but don't know how this will work when club vs club wars are declared-especially if one club has more strong members than the other. Unless that isn't going to be apart of the new war feature.

    Other than that, I had a great team and a great time.
  17. Is it bad if I can see the battle system though I'm on android?
  18. Wat items we get??
  19. Where i can sign up?
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