Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by TEQUlLA, Jun 21, 2019.

  1. You dont count though. You broke my heart
  2. You dont count though. You broke my heart
  3. weren’t you still in the womb in 2014
  4. He makes a good point.
  5. If that was a suggestion, itd suit me well
  6. It is
  7. BabyRuffles

    2 words is cooler.
  8. But you have 4 words? And you quadruply cool or double lame?
  9. I've surpassed the cool spectrum.
  10. WOAH.. so you must be like... legen...wait for it.. DARY
  11. BigDaddyRuffles
  12. How'd you know my daddy ruffled?!?!
  13. In your dreams
  14. *cough* BURN *cough*
  15. Like the crisps?
  16. Yes because I'm blonde too.
  17. ColdHeartedBee