New User Messages

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Feb 17, 2015.

  1. Its not hard at all, just do jobs.
  2. Shutup azza and volley rp noobs
  3. What is this job you speak of? :lol: #NoobsBeLike
  4. Complaining is fun. And I have nothing else going on atm.
  5. Kthnxbai
  6. I got a question about pvp when will the pvp hunts start
  7. When the world ends. Good luck waiting.
  8. So more spam messages? We already have enough break ups and rp request Lord Have Mercy

  9. It's not hash but only the truth when all you see in campus is grey names asking for RP , I have no life so I see campus 16 hours a day :lol:
  10. You complain about it being "really hard" to get started but you can't bring yourself to read getting started threads or...geez even having a look at your home screen? This is the laziness you have created ATA. The easier you try and make it for new players, the less they learn about the game or bother to make an effort to understand it for themselves.
  11. Rissa for PIMD president. She types paragraphs that make reasonable sense.

    But tbh, people are freaking about Pimd supporting something that's always been done. I mean where were you people when people were volleying or DVing you? Or anyone really.  This isn't some new concept.
  12. Stalk you? Leedle, kiss mi ass
  13. Welcome fellow newb ? loving the tag
  14. Touché.

    So..... Wanna rp? ;)
  15. I can see you staring through my window ;-;
  17. this sounds a lot like Twilight.
  18. Obviously being volleyed isn't a new concept. Spamming wc with updates for players, half of which aren't new and the other half are only here for rp, is new. And sorry, but if you can't even comprehend the buttons on your home screen, you don't get to have an opinion.