to those complaining, why do you react like this update is the end of your pimd life ? Seriously, do you have to make a big deal out of every update ATA makes? So much negativity on such trivial things..
I'm Guessing ATA Loves All Of It's Players And Want Them To Enjoy Their Games. Why Else Would The Make Them? Also Please Excuse My Capitalizing Every Word. It's A Habit.
I Like To Remember That They're (ATA) Trying And Can't Read Minds. So If They Don't Get Exactly When You What, The Minute You Want It, Just Keep Calm. Not The End Of The Universe! At Least They Try To Help And Keep The Game Updated And Running!
I don't think it'll be a great help to new players cause of the update spam, players will mostly ignore that message.
Agreed, having a good volley and finding a club and pup that will help you make great choices makes all the difference on how long/ how involved a player stays or gets with the game. Though, will these updates be periodically as in every few hours or will it only be once like a club party announcement? If my opinion counts I think they should be periodical. Maybe once and hour for the first 24 hours, or until that player hits 1billion dollar hire value. These vollies are being posted to fast, and just as quick as you start a volley it ends, not giving the new player much of a start. As a good start for a player is about 1billion.
Literally just seen update that someone was growing and not even 5min later same guy was silenced butttt... ️