Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *TERROR-sakuri (01), Oct 15, 2011.

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  1. 来啊!我怕啊?我打你的小lanjiao 
  2. 哈哈哈!Farm lim pei 都不可以。在打吧!哈哈哈!
  3. Stop farming me you losers
  4. Sakuri I can't wall you back I'm silenced and nothing I'm just bored
  5. Haha, you can't farm me so you're begging for me not to farm you. Noob troll 
  6. Wait you gonna see bad girl
  7. I'll stop trolling now. I can't be bothered with you and your posterior 
  8. I will hunt you for rest if your life
  9. Ah,a fail troll has appeared.
  10. bad boy using hokkien words...

    Or is it another dialect? I dont understand it...
  11. It's Hokkien 
  12. hokkien,its vulgar

    I dont understand it though....
  13. Too vulgar to say in English 
  14. This was fun losers,we should do this again.
  15. :0 so baby sakuri wants to cry again?!
  16. Looks like she broke her pacifier and wants money to buy another. :/
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