Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by *TERROR-sakuri (01), Oct 15, 2011.

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  1. Bearney the smelly
  2. Hell will burn with hotness when I'm done there.



    Little Sakuri can't use biiigg words!

    Aww! He has a learning disorder! :0
  3. Sak.

    Please leave your thread.
  4. Sakuri, 你这个小男生以自己很cool啊? 我妈妈比你还cool啦。。。
  5. Naughty little sakuri

    Bad vocabulary
  6. 你去跳海吧!哈哈哈!
  7. Cheekycole is so fat that she on both side of her family
  8. Awwww guys, don't u think ur being a little harsh ??
  9. Badgirl I'm hurt nooot
  10. Sak, please try to use better vocabulary.
  11. Chloe isn't fat 
  12. Sakuri 去死啦 你这个大肥猪
  13. 哈哈哈!当然伤心啦!因为我比你还cool, 你就伤心了。放心,我知到 
  14. Bad girl is farming me did I hurt Ur feelings
  15. if chloe is fat he is fatter than fat
  16. sakuri I'm permanently silenced and I'm not being a jerk
  17. sakuri

  18. Chloe is fat? 你比她还肥呢!Sei lei lomo 
  19. 对不起,我farm你就要哭哭叫了吗?跟你妈妈讲啦。
  20. Bad girl I'm farm you back that was not cool.
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