New PimD Update

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -AOD-Zippy, Oct 10, 2011.

  1. Try plugging it in, and doing the update from your computer.
  2. ,_, Now I have to wait 'till tomorrow to get ze new password

     Lets hope I beat him to his emails before he beats me.
  3. And I'm trying to sneak my iPod. So far it's working ,_, must..think..of plan...
  4. Sneak your iPod?
  5. We do moderate on idevice's 
  6. Rose tell us what the mod function is
  7. I think he meant forum moderation? But no the update isnt that.

  8. Zippy, I wanted to say I'm joining COD
  9. Come on :) , what's the update for?
  10. Mr epiC ,

     Read first.

  11. There isn't anything about the mod thing.

    Mindy the devs want you to keep it secret till it's released. No point hiding it since it's already released.

    I think it's a place we can report silences or something

    The last of the epic's,
  12. It's nothing like that isaac =) just a tool to make moderating easier/faster.