New PimD Update

Discussion in 'Off Topic' started by -AOD-Zippy, Oct 10, 2011.

  1. Mindy... What's the mid update?
  2. So what, the devs are gonna update fir me?
  3. I dunno if I can say what it is :/
  4. Oh you get the problem
    In app store, not pimd?
  5. Mods are trusted not to tell players about updates until they arrive in the app store, you can tell us.
  6. Jenny have you or someone else entered your password wrong a bunch of times? 0.0
  7. No, I know my password
  8. Not the password but the Mod Function :lol: :lol:
  9. You have to reset Jenny
  10. No she doesn't. Jenny, try shutting down your phone.
  11. Mmmkay. Don't miss me 
  12. I looked on apple's site and it says you have to reset but try that too 
  13. The new mod function is probably moderating from an idevice.
  14. ,_, Tried it. Won't work

     Im going to regret resetting my dad's account