New PIMD Idea

Discussion in 'Other PIMD Discussion' started by lil___-42isAnswerToLife___-lil, Jun 19, 2019.

  1. If they implement this, there would probably be a marketplace fee "tax" or something. In all games I played, the marketplace has some kind of tax or fee. If it was a couple of "cash" like 150,000 per market slot it would be great but with ec? I don't know. Maybe use ecs so you can have your ads on the first page? But never with posting your trade/sale. Das too much.
  2. I support. Its an amazing idea
  3. Thats possible, but will see what ATA thinks?
  4. How can we get ATA's attention to this post?
  5. Try to also send a ticket about this suggestion. Ain't gonna hurt to try
  6. Thanks! Done.
  7. Support dude
  8. I support this 100% post it in feedback for game maybe they will do it
  9. No support for your eBay bologna
  10. support!! But if it will cost ec haha nuh uh.
  11. Super support ?
  13. Sounds like ebay
  14.  sOuNds liKe eBaY. Some people haven't played some pc RPG games
  15. Support!