Literally you should’ve been disciplined as a child. You think your entitled to everything. Nobody cares about your opinions of Alicia.
So you're saying I think I'm entitled to an opinion? Better than being a girl who think she deserves the world when she deserves jacksquat
Hey at least we ain’t making alt’s cause we’re too scared to say whatever on our main ?♀️ She does deserve the world. Everyone does.
So what? What are you gonna do? Oh, that’s right. Absolutely nothing but open your mouth. Cause that’s what cowards do
Imfar from weak. My mind doesn't work like yours. I don't pretend I deserve things by being absolutely nothing like you. I get off my ass an get shît done. You do nothing.
You only think I do nothing If you did stuff you wouldn’t be in here. You wouldn’t be on this game. It’d be off your phone, because you’d be too busy “doing stuff”
You do nothing and you ARE nothing. You ain't shît and you need to stop talking before it backfires on your azz
GTFO with that "she deserves the world" shît. Yo work on your social skills and build yourself. Losethat weak ass mentality stupid