New Party: Cat Cafe

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Feb 14, 2014.

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  1. i always unload shhh dont tell (/_;)
  2. We haven't getten cats since. It's understandable. Let you like it first,then ppl would pay for it. If drop so many how can they get money? Be cool, ;)
  3. Aw it was a valentines day gift.
  4. ?Everyone loved it when it first came out
  5. Everyone hates it now lolol
  6. Everything in excess is bad ...
    Ata made it extra excessive
  7. In before this gets locked too
  8. So many ppl complainted then too..
    They really don't care.LMAO
  9. This is a cool precedent foot set for us as a mod, bumping old threads: how many more will be bumped, I wonder?
  10. Valentines day was last year wow seems longer
  11. Wonder if they do anything to celebrate a year
  12. Wow only a year
  13. Cat Cafe Promo requires 5cats  reg will be removed
  14. Feels like it's been decades.... :l
  15. I remember this post when it first popped up  everyone was like "ehrmahgerd im rich"
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