[NEW PARTIES] Pizza Pop(Art) & Fitspiration

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by pimd, May 26, 2014.

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  1. Re: [NEW PARTIES] Pizza Pop(Art)

  2. NEED TO FIX WHERE ANDROID USERS CAN SEE THE DROPS!!! Been a long time now & people asking about it & nothing being done or looked into. Love the new parties though! Perfect job with them! :)
  3. I saw the message but I dont know how to post pictures. Noob here.
  4. I love PIMD
  5. Re: [NEW PARTIES] Pizza Pop(Art)

    God sake just keep the drops in one place! People want more variety? Then put a moving drop somewhere and keep fa and pp the same for who don't want to do it or struggle with that party ?
  6. Pimd... why don't we android user can't see the drop???
  7. Re: [NEW PARTIES] Pizza Pop(Art)

    Pimd... Why don't we iOS user see the party inactives ...
  8. Re: [NEW PARTIES] Pizza Pop(Art)

  9. Re: [NEW PARTIES] Pizza Pop(Art)

  10. @pimd... Did you starve mr pimd_community? Where is he? ;-)
  11. Re: [NEW PARTIES] Pizza Pop(Art)

    Ok well just like to thank ata for another backwards step I'm sorry to say to make the new party for smaller kcs members great idea but to make it harder than cat cafe is nonsense I loved this game but a lot of fun has been taken out of it I'm sorry if it continues I'll be leaving PIMD
  12. Re: [NEW PARTIES] Pizza Pop(Art)

    I get the whole 'create interest' thing. Different parties are a great idea, but at least let the drops be a part of prank primer and fake art aswell. The new party (fits) isn't exactly easy. You practically need half an active club to complete it. Shame that some clubs are disadvantaged there. So again, good idea, but little disappointing. Lost a bit of interest.
  13. Awesome. Love u pimd. ( ´ ▽ ` ).。o♡
  14. Re: [NEW PARTIES] Pizza Pop(Art)

    Make award for them!!
  15. That moment when PimD can edit their thread while you can't. Jealousy
  16. Re: [NEW PARTIES] Pizza Pop(Art)

  17. Pls add t6 avys or allow us to upgrade our avys
    I mean American footballers have to be one of the toughest around in universities. I assume coz am not American
  18. Re: [NEW PARTIES] Pizza Pop(Art)

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