Lady D is around forums , she helps Jiggy . If you see the forums about hunts , she helps find the party of the Day. Congratulations Lady D so happy for you Miss.
Why are you talking as if anyone specifically mentioned you. I didn't even make an indirect at you. Congrats, you applied and didn't get it, go choke on your application. #real
Congrats to all new mods y'all are amazing people and are so sweet. I am so happy to have you on the team and look forward to working with you. Don't listen to the haters, listen to your friends. Congrats loves! <3 You are all amazing and perfect and a lovely bunch of people. Especially my ex-tuttie who I WILL be rehiring. ;-) Congrats again!
The 30kcs from meego is hardly even active. She's only been on PimD for 7 months and probably 6 of those months she was inactive rping on meegos.
We receive hundreds if not thousands of applications from players looking to join the moderation team every few months. Each time we look to onboard new moderators we go through our application database and find those who have excelled above the rest in their answers to move forward with our screening process. Sure, there may be some players who are more active in the forums, who have played longer, or who may be more "famous", but those are only minor parts of what makes a moderator. How you handle conflict, and react under pressure are much more important. Almost every new moderators undergoes some pushback from the community, and we trust them all not to take it personally and to continue to make the game a better place despite players who may not like them or their position. Again, we're very happy to welcome these moderators to the team and know they'll do us proud.
Anyways... Well, I know Nick, Stars and Honey are completely legit old school players, have my respect on that end, and will be legit mods..congrats to you
Does that mean my friends don't have to listen to you rant about which clubs they can or cannot join because you feel like they don't like you?