It's nice when people just open their angry mouth, can't even control their emotions Hun? You realize everyone just gonna laugh even harder?
If you think this is angry you are sadly mistaken. And I believe I said an ATA released list of definitions. Do I see a sticky released by PiMD, admin or community? Outlining "this is that this means and you shall not use it in accordance to anything else."? No. That screenshot only proves my point more, people interpret things differently. Cc is usually club chat or cat cafe yes, but that does not mean it cannot mean anything different to other people. That's like saying BYOB is only bring your own booze. Where as some circles use it as "Bring your own beverage", "Bring your own Book", "Be your own Being". Different strokes for different folks.
Think I'm an idiot all you want. You are the ones trying to put down a mod thinking you will change the Apes minds, she and Pink were both chosen for a reason.
This player never thought if campus as campus chat. Doesn't mean someone else wouldn't see it differently.
I'm sorry but I have to agree that the low kcs mods are making mistakes. I know one that asked about the silence said why they were silenced then the mod asked it depends why they were silenced. Like really? They just told you.
Hi Papi? I still got memories of you dance dn on me ? At least you're feisty and hit back, I respect that ?