New Moderators

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Aug 1, 2015.

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  1. Maybe my eyes are just too old, I haven't seen pink post here saying what you just said...I have, however, seen other mods ATTEMPT to whitewash what was said, as if we're idiots..feels like Anerican politics to me..people aren't stupid ..
    And I do agree, she should have just made a brief post and explained her noob-error posts.. Sadly that didn't happen, maybe someone can coach her back to forums as well ..
  2. man now if she went mia they will blame u for speaking the truth
  3. I also wanted to point out, I have several longtime friends as mods, and several former mods as well.. I know every single one of them won't interpret my commentaries as a bash on them, It's not..
    One of the pillars of democracy is to freely express ones opinions, and, at times, have a healthy debate about conflicting points of views.. As long as neither side gets nasty about
    It, I believe in my heart we as players have every right to question these things..
  4. as the bracode dude said, instead of the noob mod admit her rookie mistake, other mod tried to defend her which made it worse, a wrong deed can not be justified by another wrong approach lol lol lol
  5. Yes.. Everyone is defending her. Foot know here on pimd we call it Wc and cc is club chat. But he's doing his job I guess.

    And she never admitted that she was wrong.. You're just defending the noob mod. If you're a mod you should be 100% that the pupil hires you on this game.
  6. Even though lifting weights you gain strength. But on pimd you gain strenght by partying. You will teach the way of the game.

    Same as being a tutor. But on pimd the pupil is higher than the tutor.
  7. still it was stupid to say cc here is used as reference to campus chat coz everone use cc as refenrce to club chat when ur talking about places to talk

  8. If you want to get all technical... "campus announcement".... Campus, World chat... Same thing.  now why does World chat have a thing called "CAMPUS ANNOUNCEMENT" ?? It's the same thing for real -.-"
  9. ppl refer to wc as wc and not cc to distinguish it from club chat, so ppl used wc for ( campus chat ) so still its lame to defend that funny cobfusion for that mod
  10. Megan what are you even talking about? We're talking about wc not when you spend 26 speakers to post a message.
  11. true
  12. Like I said, technically campus is campus from that. World chat is what most people call it but, that doesn't change the fact others call it Campus Chat. "hi campus" I don't see people saying "HI WORLD CHAT" do you? I've never seen that my entire game time playing.
  13. Same as I never seen someone call campus chat cc :) well until today though.
  14. been here for 2 years this was first day i see someone calling wc cc, i guess ive been playing it wrong as long as many others on here
  15. Its abbreviated cc but everyone calls it wc.. Im done here... the mod is a noob. No matter how much you soft asses tries to cover it up.
  16. support and hope you dont get another forum ban for harrasement?
  17. That (campus chat) <--- lol  hey, you said it.... Not me...

    I call it campus, but CC = Cat cafe and Club chat for me. Again, campus = WC.
  18. i called it like that in reference to what those sucking up to that mod, as i said today was first day in 2 years i see some1 calling wc cc , learned something after all
  19. We all can agree WC = CAMPUS. So I don't see why make this a big deal. It's not like your life depends on it.
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