New Moderators

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Aug 1, 2015.

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  1. You're on foreign shores - we can here
  2. Not in good old merica
  3. 21... Link in your DMs
  4. 18 is an adult. A new adult but an adult none the less. That's why they're young adults
  5. That's why they can't drink, rent cars, and most landlords will say hell no to signing a lease with them. 18=senior in highschool=Kids
  6. You're forgetting that when they're 18 they get trial as adult and join the military. They can pass curfew and go to 18+ places. Their first steps as adults
  7. Congrats to all new mods....have fun and help people a lot (especially me I need it )
  8. 18 is not always a HS Senior.
    As an 18 year old, I'm a college sophomore
  9. I noticed in prior pages you saying you are silenced. Silence history also goes into being a mod. Wait a few months after your silences is lifted, and try to apply again.
  10. ? 18 yo's can drink in canada and if i'm not mistaken ata HQ is located in canada.
  11. At 18 you can drink etc in England too
  12. exactly people think the rest of the world follows american laws lmao
  13. Most other countries are 18+ for many things. We Americans are prudes I suppose lol. Send our people to die at the battlefront but jail them of they have a beer with their friends before shipping out. :roll: seems logical right?
  14. Unsilence me
  15. If your silence is 24 hours please wait for your silence to be over.

    For the case of a perm silence, you need to wait 3 months (90 days) before support will considered your appeal, asking on forums will not help you get your silence lifted.

    Email support: and include the following information:
    •The game you play (PimD)
    •Your in-game username
    •Your question/issue/request

    Please also make sure you read the Terms of Use (ToU) and The Rules of Conduct (RoC) and learn and follow the rules to prevent a future silence. Also, read the Relaxed Silencing Rules for clarification on the new rules that are in place for some silences.
  16. Yeah letting you die in combat or being old enough to potentially be a parent but not legally drink a beer does seem odd lol
  17. 18 in someparts 19 in the rest of canada to drink. We used to go there every weekend to drink when we were underaged here :)
  18. I'm not at all forgetting the things my friends and I did at 18. Sure we thought we were adults too. But now that I'm older, and looking back on it. 18=Kids
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