New Moderators!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Feb 24, 2015.

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  1. Lol. 18.
  2. lol 54 days.
  3. Wot m8
  4. Nothing cholo
  5. There is a link in this and it also tells you the requirements. Put this into browser :
  6. Congratulations to all our new mods  glad to be working alongside all of you!!
  7. Congrats!️
  8. Moderators wont help without removing the relaxed silencing rules.

    ATA needs to re think the focus of PIMD as a RP haven for pervs
  9. Congrats to all of the new mods :)
  10. Congrats all,

    Mys_papichulo, how long have you been playing? you don't even have your 1 year active Award. Just curious
  11. They picked nobodies lol
  12. Amen. 
  13. a hhhhhhhhmmmmmm
  15. How to be a moderator
  16. Congrats new mods!
  17. Congrats new mods
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