New Moderators!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Feb 24, 2015.

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  1. Go to Guides and read MrsPerez's "Updated Mod Thread". It includes information on how you can apply to be one.
  2. C0ngrats new m0ds h0pe to see u ar0und n d campus.
  3. Doesn't your keyboard have letter O?
  4. After the other mods quit
    ATA be like
  6. This made my day
  7. Dear ATA, No more active Mods. Please bring back FLUMYZ. She's the only active mod.

  8. Yea bring her back. Says her alt ️
  9. Moderators are stupid. There's no need for more, they're hardly on? plus, we have a lot already, why bring more...????
  10. Hey what happened to Spiny's post?
  11. Congrats u all!!!
  12. Stop with the mods?
  13. Is there a pinoy/pinay mod?
  15. Mh huí
  16. Congrats sellouts
  17. Nobody will be happy with the mods.
    The mods are never on.
    Bring back [insert name here].
    Blah blah blah.

    Nobody is happy with the mods because everyone has their own opinions on who should be mod and who shouldn't. It's personal preference. Some of the people who applied obviously weren't fit for the job. Some of the people you want as mod didn't even apply. The ones who were selected met all the requirements and ATA liked them. I'm sure the outcome would be different if we, the players, chose the mods. But then again, I doubt anyone would take the mods seriously, especially if it was one of your super close friends.
    The mods are active, I've seen 4 mods on campus at once at least 3 times this week alone. They're mostly the news mods. They're trying.
    The people who quit obviously aren't returning because they were unhappy or did not want to continue spending their days looking at this app and dealing with all the idiots on this game (not everyone's an idiot but the mods deal with the ones who are).

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