I thought mods were supposed to be well known and have helped the community in forums? I only know one because they're my pupil, the others, well I've never seen them
Yeah, she's 17. I demand to see some legitimate age proof. ata clearly didn't even her own club owner said she isn't of age. GGWP
Birthday recently? And may apparently. Maybe she's like the queen and has more than one. She's actually a 30 year old toddler
Smh ata, more voices to be silenced RIP to their voices being heard️ Thought they see why the old mods quit oh well I guess
This is the only warning I am going to post in this thread. Our moderators all meet the age requirement we have set in place. If you have evidence to the contrary please send it to support@athinkingape.com Any further posts discussing this user's personal information (age or otherwise0 will be removed.
Looks like the new mods are on a power trip. Silencing people left and right. And a few are even taking to farming people who disagree with them. Great choice of mods ata. Way to ruin the game with underaged and immature people. Looks like the screening process is a failure.