New Moderators!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Nov 28, 2014.

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  1. Lmfao Buk Lao is in Pimd!!
  2. The rules.
  3. Underage mods now? Anyone remember trawda  ata fuck up again. Who is babysitting?

  4. There was a mod named Trawda?
  5. 
  6. Not a false accusation tbf.
  7. That's it just the rules?  gonna derail a thread over something so damn petty
  8. No need to kiss ass for a while, the mod decisions have been made ️
  9. We don't need children trying to tell people how to run the game
  10. Yes, trawda was 12 I believe.
  11.  tbh don't you see all the people who don't want her as mode due to her lies. And people are getting silenced for saying she's underage I bet it's her 
  12. Casper you noob
  13. Mod mode eh?
  14. You're crying like a child
  15. Saying someone is underaged isn't in the tou is it? Wonder if CJS still has that secret mod handbook 
  16. Support
  17. Tynos you boob 
  18. Thor it was her birthday a few weeks ago.
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