One can help the community without being a mod. He just wants more praise. Sometimes your work will go unseen, and that's okay. If you truly care about the work you're doing it shouldn't matter how it's honored, you should be content with people just growing as players. Ryan has constantly sought fame. ? Yes he's made many contributions to pimd, but maybe he's not the best person for mod. Plus underaged people have been mods in the past and everything was fine. There's not proof that she's underaged. Mods have been silenced in the past. Mods have also sent nudes, sold their accounts, posted inappropriate things on forums, and gone on silencing rampages. This is not the first time ATA may have made a bad decision. They're human. Get over it. Warrior being a sore loser surely isn't gonna help his case.
And I believe cjs went on his silence rampage as it was the only way he could escape from being mod as at the time they wouldn't let him step down
Hell yeah Ruby and Garret have always been my favorite Hope you can get your appeal as soon as possible Domi 'cause we know for sure none of us deserved it since all what we did was just stating the truth
This was not an issue with the moderator team, but rather an error by our support team. I've talked with the team about it to ensure steps are taken to prevent it from happening in the future.
?I'm sorry but I beg to differ, 2/3 of the minor mods broke ToU so badly that ATA decided against having minor mods, and there's lots of proof, look through these pages, her own club owner admits she's not of age and she bragged about being the age she is. But the devs do what they do?
Mhmm, which makes it even more epic in my opinion. He was a great mod regardless. I prefer the older mods because I feel like they seemed more free and able to say and do what they wanted. A lot of mods have a great sense of humor and love communicating with the community but I've seen a lot less of that, and it's probably because of ATA's poor treatment of mods. So I prefer to see the mods acting out and making snarky bad handed comments about each other than being forced to wear a veil. Props to the mods that resigned.
Shooting people isn't nice.. It's illegal too... So I've heard.. if you shoot below the waist it isn't attempted murder
Wow. dont even acknowledge the question in regards to _Warrior. ATA has the absolute WORST customer service I've ever seen
I would like to thank everyone who downloaded this game because of the girl with boobs. Lets just continue to click those boobies and come in to have fun.
They're completely unknown to the community, unlike how ata used to choose their mods. People are angry because players who have been playing for longer and applied earlier have been snubbed for young players, one of whom, according to many aren't of the correct age.