No offense, but the immaturity and attitude in this post is a prime example of why you weren't selected. I don't agree with these new mods either. But your reaction alone shows you aren't a good choice. Leave and take your guides with you. More will reappear. It's hardly a threat or a loss.
On serious note WARRIOR what makes you think you demanding things will make you a mod you are been awarded with honor student and if you take your guides not the end of the world a new one can be made !!!
Yet warrior was good enough to be selected as an honour student over you and the rest of these ass kissers
Lol nice ata your mods are telling people "so email ata or shut it" LOOKS LIKE YOUR CAN'T HANDLE YOUR OWN SHIT LOL
If you think Justin is an ass kisser , you're fairly mistaken [/quote] Former aśs kisser here as you would call it Justin is no aśs kisser.
Justin isn't an ass kisser, but he also doesn't realize I announced this long before the mods were released. I said I will be quitting if I'm not selected to moderate because I'm a very busy individual and I'm looking to eliminate things that occupy time. I'm not appreciated here so there is no reason for me to waste my time.
Former aśs kisser here as you would call it Justin is no aśs kisser.[/quote] Hell yeah , we were called ATA's ass kissers the most and sheep with the reports to support ?