New Moderators!

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Nov 28, 2014.

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  1. Congrats 
  2. So deep
  3. Dang violators post was deleted quick!
  4. Will be deleted, but what is the game coming to when someone who obviously lied about their age to ata is made a mod?
  5. ata you delete that but a nice forum will be out tomorrow...... who will you silence then?
  6. why email them when forums is alot better place for them . see you real soon : )
  7. Have to be quick with your ss if it's controversial 
  8. Ata is deleting anyone's post that doesn't suit them. Bunch of cowards
  9. What do they have to hide? Is this not where we share our opinions?
  10. delete that haha
  11. I think it's a mod locking threads not ata
  12. and that lol you get paid for something right?
  13. My new post is already locked
  14. And deleting comments
  15. Wow. Can tell I've been gone a while. I was wondering when everyone got so good on bb coding
  16. Unless you can prove her age you can't say anything. I can I'm 45 one day then 12 the next day. Lolololol.
  17. I hate the new mods
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