Well I just checked and guess what....all new mods are using the rp feature. Now isn't that a shocker....... The cynics amongst us might think ata has taken people that support and use it on purpose after all the kick off about how many people hated it. Once the mods are all using it the new players take it as accepted don't they....
NE is on Asian campus and is a great player he's knows the game better then anybody. Don't judge somebody because you don't know them. This isn't the first time there has been mods replaced. Mindy darkrose royale oliviaanna just to name a few.
Data will never listen while you pay money to upgrade. Play. Don't pay. They will listen then.. People power wins all the time
Because you spoke of the he shall not speak of , what I wanna know is why mine was deleted but ata won't answer, they just don't like others standing up against them.