New Jobs..!!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by _Heisenberg_, Jul 10, 2014.

  1. Support but it won't happen
  2. They're adding lands to kaw lol.

    Can't they at least give us some jobs? 
  3. Heisenberg. You got that meth?
  4. The jobs here are somehow boring.... We need you to bring interesting jobs which can also earn us more money..thank you
  5. Lol, you only have 51 jobs done though.? The last few jobs pay pretty well, for your stats.
  6. Thats a great idea
  7. Support
    Great idea
  8. Support squids
  9. Yes we need jobs because people on this have trillions amd I am not even in my millions good that is no fear
  10. Yes we need jobs because people on this have trillions and I am not even in my millions good that is no fear