New Jobs..!!

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by _Heisenberg_, Jul 10, 2014.

  1. What a fantastic original idea. We have totally overlooked this genius idea.
  2. Why stop at 90 add 10 more for even 100
  4. 2019 bummmmpppppp
  5. It’s been four years. Woah.
  6. Support ?
  7. Really wish we had more jobs ? Even if we had to unlock them with EC.
  8. Noooooo come one not this. Jobs with ec
    Hey. No wait.
    Something like catcafe that you can unlock and hit everytime ?
  9. The majority of ATA's updates are, understandably, monetarily motivated. The current job system doesn't encourage ec spending. Jobs drop ecs; perhaps a nice balance could be found for those with patience who wouldn't mind saving up and waiting to unlock the new tiers and money made through ec sales to the instant gratification players. Similar to the latest pet update.
  10. Insert its been 89 years gif
  11. Support
  12. Ya’ll should thank me for bumping this ?
  13. No *in magic conch shell voice*
  14. Weird flex but ok