New Items: Party Amps

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by [ATA]Strange, Aug 1, 2018.

  1. That's a good idea tbh! For when your club is struggling with LBH.
  2. + mercs aren't responding
    hit submit too soon rip
  3. I've called my mother.... Thank you
  4. So OTAKU I just works with cat cafe _ it said it was activated
  5. hmm interesting
  6. I thought you released new spinner items and I spent my spins... Thanks...
  7. Very support. Can you maybe do something about pro parties tho?

    When I saw this I was reminded of super pros, and then I was reminded of their removal, and the current state of pro parties.

    Today, to be able to hit a pro party isn't a challenge for most players. Most clubs are stocked with members who can hit them, but they still opt for regular parties.

    (I love the amps)

    but before I ask you to re-release super pros, could you update Pro parties to give more drops, because they don't seem efficient enough for most players.

    Your math may say that they are beneficial, but an update will see more people try it for themselves, and a nudge up can't hurt.

    I think that if you do that, and see more clubs completing pros with ease, the idea of releasing a new suite of challenging super pros may be more appealing.

    Love the idea but it reminds me of dad. R.I.P
  8. Do the amps work with ec parties like cat, kini, and hunt specific?
  9. I just activated the OTAKU and it worked in cat cafe
  10. Why not make a rainbow one that works with all parties? ??‍♀️
    More rare, of course.
  11. These ARE new spinner items. :?
  12. When will we have new spinner items?
  13. Nvm apparently someone else beat me to it!
  14. Reading is fundamental
  15. Yes, it is, and if you read the replies, you'd notice that their question was added, and later, answered in the OP. Thanks for trying though
  16. How does one trade the amps cos I just tried trading it through pm trading but I can't find it in items
  17. You probably can't.
  18. Most likely changeover today.
  19. So, does this give a boost to the entire club or just the individual that used it?
  20. Entire club