[New Item] Phony Money

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by pimd, Aug 25, 2014.

  1. If you play kaw you would get it
  2. •.• I would like some
  3. When does the new hunt/And party that drops them start?? or is it going to drop from cc?
  4. In no way is this screwing anybody over.
  5. It's available in the store already, under the speakers
  6. It says it's in the store, but I can't find it :| did i miss more info :?:
  7. So if sell fake money ill lose 25%?
  8. Yes. It's less efficient than the ATM.
    Think of this as more of a reward item that you'll be able to sell for Cash, instead of something you want to buy. However, it needs to appear in the store in order for you to sell when you receive it.
  9. It doesn't drop from parties.This item is used to bank money.It works like the atm you buy when you want to deposit and withdraw when you sell.Its better than the ATM for small players and also its also it has no minimum amount on which you can depost
  10. Maybe I should of read this thread first.. Before I bought 1000 ??..

    Jk I bought 260 >.>
  11. Oh ok nice now give out more doctor note
  12. You lose more in this one then. Bank only deducts 20%, so we are left with 80%. With phony money, we lose 25%, return is only 75%.
  13. Lovely.thank you!
  14. @cashdallas this is worse then banking not better

    This is probably for a hunt instead of rewarding 50 mil money they'll reward you 1000 phoney money
  15. If I want to flaunt my money I'll buy expensive tutors....
  16. The bank limit raises after being used a lot. so for players who can't deposit that much can use these
  17. So basicly, This is pretty much like the Atm however, you can actually purchase this "Phony Money" and when you sell back to the store, you recieve a lager amount of money returne then you would from putting it in the Atm?