New & Improved Chat Filter

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Feb 6, 2015.

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  1. Re: New

    I can't edit my post...
    Anyways, so one more question.
    If someone post in world chat

    *****Join my club, it's fun!*****

    Then mods can silence that person because it is no longer allowed to do so. They can silence that person because they can. Basically, mods will be able to give unfair silences.
  2. Re: New

    Oh for fuck's sake
  3. this the only game that has strict rules muhaha
  4. Re: New

  5. Re: New

    Self-censoring is not allowed, but in that case the stars are being used as decoration. Again the context of a message really does matter. Only if it's clearly self-censoring will action be taken.

    That's actually not true. A LARGE number of games already use systems like this quite effectively.
  6. Re: New

    This is an adult game, with many sexual innuendos. How the hell are any of us gonna enjoy this game when they way we can speak is now limited.
  7. Pretty sure this is a 17+ game. Why is there filtering in the first place? who are you protecting? The countless children that dl and play? They shouldn't be here, don't pander to them, or out of fear of their parents.
  8. New & Improved way to treat adults like children...
  10. You're ignoring your own hypocrisy XD but that's cool. Keep them sailor talking trash mouths down and your own innuendos in play. Sounds legit.
  11. Re: New

    Filters wow
    That is the new feature I've been waiting for
  12. Re: New

  13. Re: New

    It's like what if someone had a bad day and they're venting in cc or on a wall. Obviously they're pissed so there is going to be swear words. And they go to post and you won't let them cause of this dumb feature. You're just encouraging people to now bypass.

  14. Re: New

    Fuck the system
  15. Well I havent played those games yet mostly play games that ban u not silence/perm silence you  but whatever ill still play
  16. Re: New

    ? suppose new feature means your dropping age limit soon. 17 game yet not allowed to swear might well let the young play now since you guys are making it kid friendly
  17. Re: New

    I wanna fucking swear in chat without getting a goddamn message stfu.
  18. Re: New

    Actually, like some people have said, if you're protecting the kids in this game to not cuss.
    Then you should modify most of the female's avatars. Most of the avatars shows hypersexualisation. That ain't a good exemple for the underaged. Again, like some others have said, mind aswell turn this game for kids, but modify the title. Change it from Party in my dorm to Party in the kindergartens
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