This game is international. The First Amendment applies only in the US although some countries have similar documents. That said, the Constitution applies to the government, not private entities except in limited circumstances. I can guarantee you the United States Constitution does NOT apply to ATA which is a Canadian based business. Furthermore, the Bill of Rights was established to prevent the GOVERNMENT from infringing upon rights such as freedom of speech, not private businesses.
Re: New Thats why i said certain mods because the ones I've been in clubs with don't care but sense i have not been in a club with every mod i couldn't include all of them.
It doesnt help that you lot put out events promoting foul language. Even if you work your way around curse words, things like the octopussy, although in itself was harmless, combined with the sperm whale, sausage/weiner and beach balls with bra, became a subliminal message. not to mention the female avatars on here... If yous stopped being pervs then your target players would be more mature instead of horny little kids
To be honest I was hoping this was about a new chat tab so those disgusting thirsties had somewhere else to go. Wc is getting out of hand and that's all it is. I miss the way pimd used to be... its getting taken over by thirsty kids who don't know the difference between a twinkie (food cake thing) and their own twinkie (I'm sure you understand that) I myself... just want the thirsty underage people out and a way to mass gift and I'll be happy lol
What bs so y'all think y'all are god or something taking away freedom of speach keep doing stupid crap like this and most of the money spenders will leave
^ lol. But seriously. This is the lamest thing you have done yet. Good thing im finally starting to leave this game
Re: New I can't believe how many people whining about something so small ? it isn't a big deal.... So many butthurt people on here because they can't post a swear word