New & Improved Chat Filter

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Feb 6, 2015.

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  1. Re: New

    No.. Sensoring cuss words does not work great for the "creeps on wc". Cause the creeps don't cuss. They use 2 letters.. R and P. Smh
  2. This new feature sucks dink.
  3. Re: New

    No, lol, most RP'ers that break the rules say stuff like
    "Message me if you want to [insert cuss word]" but they bypass. So even then ata isn't helping us.
  4. Support

    Idk why it got deleted when I quoted this ?
  5. Re: New

    Personally I don't understand why people are so upset by this change. There's no legitimate reason to cuss in the game. Granted it is and should be a 17 game, we all know there are kids here. It's hard to enforce that upon everyone when there are parents out there who seem to care less what they're kids do online or are too oblivious to it. ATA can't be responsible for everyone's kids. Even if this game where 100% adults, there's no reason to cuss so much. I think the concern for ATA has become how vile people behave towards each other here. It would be nice to see an overall nicer attitude to each other in this game.

    That said, I do agree with the statements about ATA being overly sexual themselves. Most of the female Avis are appallingly dressed. I'll refrain from saying the word they appear to be. I find it sexist to dress the female Avis the way most are dressed.

    In regards to posts about other ideas for updates players have had, these have been posted in abundance in forums. In regards to wars and PvP based hunts, threads have been made over and over. Please read them ATA. I've offered numerous times to through forums and emails to have discussions about this topic but I never get taken up on my offer. There are several of us who war regularly who would love to have an open brainstorming session with ATA on this subject matter.
  6. If you really want to protect children why don't you ban people who say they are under 17 instead of just silencing them for 24 hours. And you might want to remove half your dates while you're at it.
  7. You people really know how to destroy your game. As you people said this is 17+ game,I was expecting you people to change them being from being censored to them being visible.Unless you want to change your age restriction,I'll gladly tell my lil bro to play this game as I don't have the reason for him not to play
  8. Re: New

    Fuck yeah love this new bitch ass filter
  9. Preach girlfriend 

    Why mess with something that was fine in the beginning? You star them out or completely block them, people are still going to bypass the filter. This new "language barrier" don't make sense to me.

    You're still gonna have the rpers asking for third party app information in Wc via bypass, and even underage players. why not do something to Help the communty? Like making rp silencable again and banning the underage children.
  10. Re: New

    Looks to me ata is really wanting to pull the plug on this game with all these ridiculous changes. Sorry but I've reached my breaking point and so have many other people. For once make this damn game fun again and STOP BEING SO DAMN GREEDY!!!!!!!

    I'm sure ata will just hit case closed without reading it just like they do with all the emails people send them.
  11. Fucking sucks
  12. Re: New

    Just let cuss words be non-filtered. After all, This is a 17 game.

    If you want to protect the kids playing by not letting them see the cuss words then what was the point of the 17 warning before downloading the game?

    You guys keep fucking this game up the longer it stays up.
  13. Re: New

    I respect the post above me. Game is going down the drain
  14. Re: New

    Oh. Apparently it is now censored. PS: that was 100% not a bypass, that was an English spelling rather than an American spelling. We keep the ae here ?
  15. The only thing this new feature will do is silence more people.
    Stars get you silenced even if the context isnt objectionable.
    You can still bypass the filter like before as most all do in club chat. I just wouldn't do it if certain mods are in cc.
    Devs should have been working on improving the game where its needed. If they listened to us for once they would know how to improve it. This so called improvement is another step in the wrong direction especially that it is not needed.
  16. Re: New

    Lol mods bypass in cc just like the rest of us do
  17. Re: New

    This thread is awesome

    We have already established on this thread that there is selective reading and selective answering going on here and I don't mean by the players  obviously.

    As I see it. The data has shown the community is not happy (reasons don't matter right now) and the data has sad roll out an update and sell it as improvement (as usual).
    What the data has not seen is the contradiction the backlash and the memory of the players. But who am I to bring up "mistakes from the past" 

    We all know there has been threads emails etc from players asking for certain things yet nothing was even considered and when people point that out it's always the same "we find it interesting but need more research or data to look into that matter and I can't discuss possible future improvements or events anyway" 

    It has been like that since the start and it won't change no matter what the community or the little part of the vocals will do.

    To this feature  meh I personally don't think it improves anything at all.
  18. Re: New

    Selective replying....what on earth could you mean 
  19. Re: New

    I think you still need more chat mods.
    You are protecting their eyes from words however not their meaning.
    You have not removed any toxicity, now they can't say the word they want they will end up bypassing the filter aswell.
  20. Re: New

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