UPDATE New Hunt Tests Incoming! 👀

Discussion in 'Events' started by ATAClaptrap, Sep 8, 2023.

  1. I have always disliked that the really good avatars are always top 100. Most people come on here to socialize and have fun, hit parties and chill, yet it seems that if people want the good things, they have to take out a loan, to just maybe buy a reward. For new people it's very disheartening because they know full well they can't get what they want.
  2. If you settle for minimal activity in your club and think any hits are enough that's fine, but over here and for many others we expect people to be active and contribute. No one likes failed parties, and our free to play players can't progress in their gameplay very well without parties being completed to award drops.

    There's no reason ATAs game "improvements" should make the work club admins do more labourous.
    iLetSnakeSlitherIn likes this.
  3. Hi ATA,

    Thanks for trying out new things for the game. That's how it can evolve over time.
    For feedback, Id like to mention that getting 4 consecutive male avis wasnt the most fun experience for me.

    I'd kidnly suggest getting back the option to win both male and female. Or, rather, have an option to choose. Choosing the M or F avi would be ideal for not only me, but for other players as well.

    Hope this doesn't fall on deaf ears. Thanks for the time to read through it.
    Darxie, marly_marls, Dipper and 4 others like this.
  4. It has been out for me around 6 am EST. So , I was more trying to say that it could take several or until a day or 2 to see stuff there. Hopefully, it is the same for you too. Let me know. 😊
  5. Ewww, y'all changed the stats on misc. How about, instead of changing the mechanics of the game, you give us hunts we actually want that don't look like cheap, thrown-together-at-the-last-minute money grabs? Misc quality has gone down, furni looks the same as every other fall fairy hunt (why is every fall hunt fairy-focused???), and I don't care for the avis. I have an avi I'll always go back to. But art quality has seriously been dropping. Fix that.
    marly_marls and Jazmyn420_ like this.
  6. Before you make assumptions that way.... please check the club.

    This is just a game and as such I don't expect minimal activity but I do expect members to put real life first and we DO have a minimum main hunt drop requirement. I say any hits are better then none as every hit counts towards party completion. If we have prank Primer going so fast that people are only hitting 3-4 times with regen I am not going to get upset. Nor am I going to punish them for not liking a hunt and stepping back for a time. Or get upset my f2p players have less hits because they're trying to help each other lose containers while hitting parties without using dns.

    Also I am not sure how to upload a picture yet but they're giving the hunt drop for free in Molly's. 300 free hunt drops
    LeeJarrett and CapedClown like this.
  7. Some clubs use main drops. Others don't. As a club Pres who uses side drops, it's not that I expect an unreal expectation of activity from members to take time away from their real lives. I do; however, expect a level of activity that is fair and equal amongst members to at least reach a minimum amount by all. If someone has a busier than usual time in real life, all it takes is communication on their part and understanding on mine to reach a compromise.

    To put a situation out there, if 20 members during one hunt using main drops as the required mark decide they don't like the hunt or have busier lives during that time reach the required amount by mostly boxes that will cause the club to slow down tremendously and more than likely begin to fail parties. Side drops still require effort to benefit the club and don't mean that we expect the game to come before their real life. In my opinion, it just makes it a more even playing field to expect a minimum amount of activity from all players. Some may go way above that mark, but at the very least everyone is at least trying to put in the same effort as a base for the club to continue functioning.
  8. I'm replying based off what you've said here. As Snake said above, communication and understanding goes a long way with decreased activity from an individual, I don't think anyone expects pixels to be put above IRL (and if they do shame on them), and every club tracks activity though different methods and to different requirements.

    There's nothing wrong with using main story drops as a tracker, but it's not optimal for seeing party activity the way side drops are. I made a comment a few posts back about how the 22 lite boxes from Molly's does a lot to make an account look more active than it is through main story drops.

    If ATA is so adamant on removing side drops then they should give us something that tracks activity as good or better than them, and so far this is not it.
  9. I agree that they can do that with the lite boxes but I like to think we notice patterns too even unconsciously. You can't say you've never gone and looked at parties to see if someone hit because you don't think you've ever seen it.

    I agree completely this isn't a good way to track activity at all. Maybe if they did like a single drop thing if someone did 17(? I think that's a full energy bar on the first cash bar on most parties) hits on a party and gave us a way to keep track of how many parties we did a hunt?
  10. We should be able to collect all avi boxes. Some of us don't open our boxes/don't care for the avis. We either have to open or miss out on collecting boxes. We can't continue collecting tiers without denying. Just let us collect all 8 and not open/turn them down.
    marly_marls likes this.
  11. I'm sorry I don't quite understand your first paragraph here? If you're talking about how we track / determine activity within our club as I said we mostly use side story drops, and just click an individuals profile to view them. I have a completely free to play alt as the club holder that is used to determine what is achievable within a hunt for someone who doesn't open pimd key boxes/hop for lbh/attend ec clubs.

    We mostly use party history just to check for drops when we participate in p/potd testing, or to determine general activity across different times of day.

    I think having a story tracker drop in accordance with the way side drops do (different amounts depending potd/pro/ec parties) would be best. But then we are still left with the injustice of the awards for the main story without side stories (As snake so wonderfully outlined for us) and the poor reward system for the story avis.
    Ch, MayaTheHopeful and KittenErica like this.
  12. They’re not usually this slow to release offers. I hope they account for this when it comes to redeeming daily freebies.
  13. What? The tiers drop boxes as normal. You don’t have to open them if you don’t want to. Nothing is stopping you.

  14. One thing I noticed even a higher level player gets fewer drops if they haven't completed the newbie quests. I don't know if that is something anyone else has.

    Also I hate that they're giving 300 hunt drops out in shops like no boxes etc. Just free 300 hunt drops
  15. Can you elaborate what you mean by the newbie quests? Your party should should only really be affected by max plunder. You want to make sure you have enough in tutors and depending on your account stats it might take more than a full unload to get max drops from a party.

    Your account is the size of one of my alts, and it does need more than 1 unload to get max drops from a party.
  16. I do like the free drops from Molly 🥹🖤
  17. Not sure if it’s already been asked but the tracker item.. the book 📖 is it given one per party or per party hits? Or what? I’m confused as to how we can track members activity if we don’t even know how they are given out 🤔
    AlisaieStormblood and -Dak0ta- like this.
  18. Looks like they're being given out 7 per party regardless of party, you may get less if you don't have max plunder though
  19. Some people are still buying shards to get the Avis. Not a million people, but I still see it from time to time.