Wow, normally I love the gifts but... ATA, my support for you is severely wavering. Before, I could see y'all genuinely trying to please the players, but now? EC for all gifts, increasingly difficult hunts that require B2B Cat Cafe to even complete, messing up the VIP board? Ugh. Getting pretty closed to breaking the camel's back...
ATA u guys really need to make hunts easier and NOT just revolve around cat cafe its not cool and its way to hard to get ECs so why so many EC gifts? I am seriously starting to doubt u guys
You guys know why the old days were so great? Because there were no hunts. What should you do if you are not happy in hunts? Do not participate in them. And guess what? You'll be experiencing the great old days!
I agree. Way too many ec gifts. Halloween is so fun. You could have made more non stat/non ec gifts. Very disappointing.