New Forum Layout

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Nov 13, 2014.


What do you think of the new design?

  1. Awesome

    1,503 vote(s)
  2. Meh

    717 vote(s)
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  1. Search feature disappeared
  2. You guys should've added Fan Fiction in the search.
  3. I just used the search feature to Suss it out... I was using my threads as a search and um... it didn't come up... some of my threads are missing? So this is a little annoying... and the flickering background is back since I updated. Seems I voted too early. I'm starting to get really annoyed especially with the flashing background while I type...
  4. And now search feature Is gone? :lol: someone please let me know when its all fixed. Then ill come back :roll:
  5.  I thought my device was messing up
  6. Have you gotten the update? Are you using OS or an IOS device?
  7. What can I say
  8. I'm using android :lol: It was fine before I updated it. The flickering background came back after I updated it. And the search disappeared after update but now its back :lol: poor ata bet theyre pulling their hair out trying to tweak it. I'm almost pulling my hair out just thinking about it :lol: they'll get it right soon :-D I like the new layout just some bits a pieces need to be tweaked...
  9. I think it's a nice change. ️
  10. Personally, I like the previous layout. Emojis are not being shown for droid users.
  11. I'm actually unsure what's changed . Maybe I'm too unobservant!
  12. Ata this ia good but not acceptable ... I marked this theme as good becase it looks more better that ever...It should be more colourful...
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