New Forum Layout

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Nov 13, 2014.


What do you think of the new design?

  1. Awesome

    1,503 vote(s)
  2. Meh

    717 vote(s)
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  1. Ha ha ha ha
  2. Make the names darker blue or something?
  3. Maybe Cuz KaW isn't on top 200 free games for US on Playstore. Unless I'm blind.
  4. Wow my post count sucks
  5. Maybe Cuz KaW isn't on top 200 free games for US on Playstore. Unless I'm blind.[/quote]

    It was like for a long time
  6. Design looks good 
  7. Ok, played on it a little. I likey. Nice improvements.
  8. I like the comment browsing but not the topics section. Too stacked. Split it like the comments
  9. I like the post count part tho. Im almost at 20k 
  10. You're crazy. Lol
  11. Your dimples are crazy 

    smooth, Jopo. smooth
  12. Boom
  13. 3,800 for me (6 month beat that)
  14. #LoveIt
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