New Forum Layout

Discussion in 'Past Announcements' started by [ATA]Grant, Nov 13, 2014.


What do you think of the new design?

  1. Awesome

    1,503 vote(s)
  2. Meh

    717 vote(s)
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  1. I just realised there was a "sort by" option :lol:
  2. A very big change - will take some time getting used to but I dig 
  3. Wait will you use polls for other stuff in pimd instead of Facebook?
  4. We should have a like and dislike button 
  5. Huh. I actually like this. ?
  6. Wow, I am impressed.
  7. Really Struggling To Read The Forum Post with this new layout. Hurts my eyes/brain.
    Might be my dyslexia and the white background. But I thought it was white before?
    (Sorry For Capitalising Each Word, auto correct is/was playing games)
  8. Some cool new features but man is it ugly lol oh well, when do iOS get to see actives in parties?
  9. Much slower, awful design,
  10. The real question is how long ago wawas that found and how many times was it asked
  11. Posting view on Android should now be fixed and no longer wider than your screen.
  12. LOL K
  13. Why not fix this on kaw to lol
  14. it's alright, not really in forums much
  15. Yes! Thank you I love it
  16. Oh
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