New Forum Layout , New Me

Discussion in 'Strategy' started by -_Narcissistic_-, Feb 24, 2016.

  1. Catching up to ur posts m8  better watch out, I'm coming for dem cheeks.
  2. I will report you for post count farming
  3. LOL I'm not Megan k. :cry:
  4. Lbr she wouldnt know how to work this anyway
  5. :( shade
  6. Can't believe she's really gone :(
  7. She'll be back to annoy us soon dw guys :)
  8. Too much grey

  9. ?
    And what am i missing where does it say
    How many times a post was edited?
  10. Or her sister will be..
  11. Oh ignore that
  12. I cannot ignore it.

    Attention attention attention attention attention
  13. What the , I don't want people knowing I make mistakes , I'm perfect :(
  14. Stahp harm. You won't pass Pumpkin
  15. Wow. Speechless ?