NEW FEATURE [NEW FEATURE] The Pub: A New Chat Channel

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, Jun 19, 2018.

  1. In theory the chat features are a good idea. However it is not being utilized as the deal developers planned I believe. Role play is still going on and being ask for in campus. The pub chat is dull and a place for all the Mods to hang out it seems.
  2. Perhaps renaming The Pub as "roleplay" would be a better idea so that the noobs would get the idea. Apparently many people cannot or do not read the message from ata when starting the app.
  3. OMG! Enough with the complaining already. They made a new feature to help them. It’s their decision, not urs. Ur lucky they are a company that actually cares to ask for feedback. Yes I do rp, but this isn’t a personal call lolz. Everyone is mad about the change, talkin about how bad it is from their perspective but not from the company’s. It’s almost like a restaurant. Good profits, customers regularly. But they wanted to increase their fan base and get rid of a problem with ppl still smoking around the place even after being told not too. Ppl smoke, you can’t change that sadly. So they added a smoking section. More customers and no more headaches with arguing about not smoking in or around the restaurant. Basically so if anyone gets silenced for inappropriateness, that’s on them because they have an area but they still post in wc. I think it’s a good idea. It’s like opening a new branch within a company, even if that branch is unorthodox ?
  4. Don’t matter how this game evolves unless ATA wake up and start listening to players more and more will leave

    What am I referring to ? I’m referring to the big hole in the TOC where players communicate in PMS selling accounts ( against TOC ) ask for x rated pictures then farm players when told no ( again against TOC ) you know who you are !

    Threaten or harass players ( again against TOC )

    The game has improved somewhat over the 5 years I’ve played but gone downhill in other aspects of the game

    Wake up ATA
  5. ATA really thought this update was the one huh
  6. I so agree with u
  7. Marcie looking for some dorrito rp and jazz?
  8. Useless. Why dont you try the trading thingy insted of pub 
  9. conclusion: this update is useless.
    they should’ve just brought back breaks between hunts, old avis & fix the gifting system as well (specifically being able to gift items in bulk). there’s so many issues to fix in this game & many ideas that could’ve been used but of all things they decide to do, they make a useless chat room that encourages sexual freaks to harass others.
    well done, ata. :roll:
    Muschi likes this.
  10. Personally, I think it's a good idea because too many ppl are complaining about the roleplayers in the campus chat posting every sheez now and then. Now that ATA made a way for the roleplayers to be in a separate channel rather than the campus, they still complain--like that was the purpose of the "Unfollow" feature that ATA added. Unfollow then no more eyesore, people.

    Though a suggestion too ATA. To limit the speakers in the Pub like the Campus and to improve the trading system.
  11. I should get unsilenced for this new feature am rp lord ata unsilence me
  12. I can't get in my game crashes each time
  13. What about posting social media?
  14. Yeah!! Great
  15. not allowed
  16. Wait where is the pub?
  17. Chats have slowed down lots in some parts of the day, the no speakers is actually been very helpful and many are able to communicate more. Before with speakers there was a lot of limitation. Maybe just 1 Channel should be speakers. Or certain club rolls.