NEW FEATURE [NEW FEATURE] The Pub: A New Chat Channel

Discussion in 'Announcements' started by ATAMarceline, Jun 19, 2018.

  1. Selling furniture here I come hehe
  2. Man what is so hard to understand about the pub. ? Same rules for both chats, just no rp on campus. ??‍♂️
  3. My chat still crashing, hope you fix that soon?
  4. Does the no speakers rule apply to silenced players ?
  5. Ooh Lala.
  6. Android user. Updated my app. Still crashing when trying to switch to cc from campus
  7. One thing I didn’t see. Still no third-party comments right? Or is that allowed in The Pub?
  8. Would be nice if we can create age group rooms, 18 and up or 20 and up and so forth
  9. I got the update and it looks like it works. I'm not seeing pub chat in my scroll. like this change a lot so far. Thanks, ATA.
  10. I don’t understand
  11. So this is just gonna invite the dirty idiots to run rampant. Great ? coz yea let’s not crack down on them being sexually harassing and pathetically disgusting eg - asking for little girls etc, lets make a whole channel just for them!!!
    You’re doubling your problem.
    Absolutely pathetic.

  12. So this is just gonna invite the dirty idiots to run rampant. Great ? coz yea let’s not crack down on them being sexually harassing and pathetically disgusting eg - asking for little girls etc, lets make a whole channel just for them!!!
    You’re doubling your problem.
    Absolutely pathetic.

    Muschi likes this.
  13. so now ata wanna make player's update the app
  14. Someone else may have mentioned this but idk as I haven't checked other replies, but could y'all make it so that we don't see comments from the chats we unfollowed at the bottom? I just think it makes sense like that.
  15. Hey, doesn’t it make more sense to allow swearing in pub chat?
  16. pls don't force me to update
  17. How on earth would that make more sense ??‍♀️
  18. 1- Good luck to all mods trying to enforce rules ??

    2- Macie what is this Dorito RP you speak of? ?
    Muschi likes this.
  19. I think that there should be alot more news about this not just a little even if it wasn't going to be big